
Dr Hawkins said that at this level you transcend the emotional aspects of the lower levels and begin to think clearly and rationally. This is the level of science, medicine, and a desire for knowledge. If you find your thirst for knowledge becomes insatiable and you don’t waste time in activities that do not provide educational value then it’s likely you are operating at 400. People at this level often begin to categorize all of life and its experiences into proofs, postulates, and theories.

Still it makes sense to want to transcend this level as the failure of it is you cannot seem to separate the subjective from the objective, and because of that, you tend to miss the point. You fail to see the forest because you’re tunnel-visioned on the trees. Paradoxically, Reason can become a stumbling block for further progressions of consciousness. This is where people are said to be led by their head, not their heart.

Basically when you reach this level, you become capable of using your reasoning abilities to their fullest extent. You now have the discipline and the proactivity to fully exploit your natural abilities. You’ve reached the point where you know a lot of stuff, and can put it to good use. The opportunity here is to take a look around the world and start making meaningful contributions. At the very high end, this is the level of Einstein and Freud. It’s probably obvious that most people never reach this level in their entire lives.