The 10 Degree Shift

Heal Your Health, Raise Your Vibration Program

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Make the SHIFT. Live, grow and glow!

Look better, feel better & live better without the rigid rules and restrictions.

Discover simple, sustainable ways to get out of overwhelm & burnout, feel good in your body again, and have more joy & balance in your life!


Do you feel:

  • Frustrated, uninspired and seeing no progress in your life or career?

  • Stuck when trying various programs, diets, meditation apps, exercise classes and other self-development fads?

  • Like you don't have enough fuel in your tank to get to the next level?

That’s exactly how I felt too.

When I first started my wellbeing and life changing journey, I struggled… A LOT!

I didn’t hate my career, my life or my body, but I knew how I felt on a day to day basis wasn’t how I wanted to feel for the rest of my life.

Hashimotos and pre diabetes made me puffy and sluggish, and while I’ve always loved my career, I was spending a lot of time and energy on every project I was working on and felt like I was always sacrificing one thing in order to find space to focus on another - my health and energy, or my work, or the fun part of life.

I had climbed the corporate ladder, had some decent success, invested in property and bought the fancy cars and shoes.

I was successful, but I was also time poor and stressed. Always striving, always driving but never quite feeling like I had arrived and was thriving. 

For a long time I thought that being a great leader meant I had to sacrifice my health, my hobbies and my relationships. I felt I was doing everything ‘right’, working LONG hours, following the norms and sure I was achieving, but I was burning out.

I was sacrificing my personal and social life and my health, but still felt I was never doing enough. I suffered from burnout, adrenal fatigue and brain fog, and admitting to myself that everything I had worked so hard to achieve was not fulfilling me, was a hard pill to swallow. 

A successful career couldn’t be the only highlight of my life.

I wanted more in terms of my life goals, passions, purpose, spirituality, leisure, relationships and health.

I was absolutely mesmerized by the coaches and professionals I saw who seemed to effortlessly have it all.

They had great careers, a happy family life, fulfilling hobbies, great wealth, fit bodies and energy out the bejeezers, while I was hustling and driving from boardroom to boardwalk and back.

And let's not even talk about relationships.

I was so busy, I had no time to maintain friendships and family ties. Even my own late mother when I called her would say “I know you’ve been busy.”

That used to cut me to the core, and yet no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t seem to create the space to take a breath.

Something needed to change… But I already had enough on my plate. How on earth could I fit a new lifestyle change into an already busy career and life?

Little did I know, something amazing was about to happen that would change my approach to my work, life and wellbeing forever!

In 2015 I got to go on the trip of a lifetime to Necker Island and meet Sir Richard Branson.

To say it was life-changing is an understatement.

Not just because island life is as relaxed and beautiful as it seems - and it is, there really are no words for the feeling you get when you’re immersed in the natural beauty of the island, sun, sand and crystal waters..

But also because when I saw how Sir Richard lived his life and listened to his stories, that’s when I realised life, work, synergy, and fun are possible!

This inspired me to look for a way to bring together having a high level corporate professional career and having a life that is joyful, meaningful and stress free - I call it the meeting of two.

My goal was to build a simple, sustainable model around that, and I embarked on a learning journey that would take me down many rabbit holes as I was developing my unique path.

I read widely, I interviewed lifestyle medicine practitioners, I spoke to corporate executive clients’ and I studied the global research on longevity and wellbeing such as the Blue Zones.

That’s how I discovered that change can be easy

It took a while at first!

I trialled solutions and studied other people’s research. I bought and tried numerous programs from exercise, mindfulness, leadership and daily habit strategies to spiritual, weight- loss, detoxes and juice cleansers.

My initial results were fleeting, the overwhelm returned and I often didn’t have the oomph in me to complete the program.

I’d sign up, look at a video or two, read a couple of pages and then give up as it was too complex to track, measure and follow.

I just didn’t have the bandwidth to meditate 30 minutes a day, track my macro nutrients and fill in pages of online questionnaires.

Many of the programs I trialled got results in the first week or two, but were such a deviation from my normal life that I found it hard to gain traction and stick to it.

So I decided to take what I’d learnt and simplify my approach to it.

To get back to the basics, one small shift at a time, and take the pressure off by reminding myself that a happy, healthy balanced life is a long game.

I didn’t want to slog it out for a quick fix that would only last a year or two.

I wanted a sustainable lifestyle change that was simple to action and would help me feel good now and later - even 50 years later!

I began with small shifts focusing on rest, digest, sleep, yoga and calming meditations.

I started seeing some great benefits that consistency brought me - mental clarity, relaxed attitude, a level of ease.

And when it worked for me, I started testing it with my friends and clients.

When I talked to other busy professionals about my experience, I noticed many of them were also lacking clarity on what they really wanted, settling for what they had while feeling unsatisfied in many areas of life, particularly career, relationships, health and purpose.

My intention was to create a framework that provided a structured and replicable system to allow busy professionals to undertake a series of small shifts towards their own ideal career and lifestyle aligned with their personal circumstances, passions, talents, strengths and skills.

The outcome: The 10 Degree Shift Program.

A 12 week program with a simple, sustainable shift each week to upgrade your health & enhance your life in alignment with your passions, talents, strengths & skills!

The 10 Degree Shift Program
One time
For 4 months

“During the 10 Degree Shift Program my successes included shedding 4 kilograms of weight, releasing 38 centimetres from my body, 1cm from my waist and lengthening my breath and exhale exponentially.” — Kim-Cherie Davidson

“I’m always looking for ways to lower stress and improve my mindset and when I came across the 10Degree Shift I knew it was something that would help me on my journey to health and happiness. It’s helped me build confidence, take action and feel so much better, lighter, happier, more content.” — Kelli Mason

In this program I’ve gathered a set of specific ingredients combining:

  • Intellect and intuition

  • Health and wellbeing

  • Resilience

  • Empowerment

  • Leadership

and turned them into a simple step-by-step system for multi-layered transformative change that deeply and sustainably integrates the mind, body and soul, in less than 90 days.

So you can do less, and be more!

We’ll cover one shift each week with video and written lessons along with resources to help you take feel-good action like recipes, meditations and exercises. Plus, there’s a live call every week with me and your Shift coaches, and you can watch the recordings if you can’t join us live!

“It was such a great turning point in my life when AJ introduced the 10 Degree Shift to me.

I went from size 16 with high blood pressure, constant heartburn, anxiety and lack of sleep, to size 12 with normal blood pressure, no heartburn, no midnight wake ups, and I’ve never felt calmer and more at ease.

I lost 20 kgs in a year without feeling restrained or restricted (the food I eat now makes me feel great and I don’t bother to count calories), I don’t have to work out, I have more focus and flow at work and my quality of life is so much better, thanks to these small shifts. Highly recommend!”

- Marissa Roberts

Here’s exactly what we cover each week in The Degree Shift:

What makes The 10 Degree Shift different to other health, personal development and leadership programs?

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Many health, wellbeing, leadership and personal development programs are built on rigid rules, impossible guidelines and overwhelming actions that must be followed exactly in order to see any results.

I believe this approach sets people up for failure, adds additional pressure, teaches them fear change rather than helping them make shift happen the easy, sustainable way.

The 10 Degree Shift Program is a 12 week online program to cultivate a joy filled life.

Informed by research, built on practice, structured for stickability.

We’re empowering humans across the planet to make small, sustainable shifts to live longer, easier, healthier, and happier.

All the good stuff without having to burnout trying to achieve it!

One time
For 4 months

Grow lighter, be happier, spread JOY

This program aims to help you bring back your Joie de Vivre – an exuberant enjoyment of life. Over  12 weeks we focus on many forms of energy – physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, electromagnetic, chemical and vibrational all to support you to be healthy, happy and healed without the normal headache of change.  

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The entire program is based on a model called the 10 degree shift. The basic philosophy behind it is that we are more likely to stick to changes and see greater, deeper transformation when we make smaller 10 degree shifts on a regular basis over a period of time.

This affordable 3 month program is designed to help you stay connected, informed and on track with shifting to a better way of living and leading that helps you get more out of life. Through the program you will receive the tools you need to maintain and enhance your way of living, relating and being in the world and with others while improving your quality of life. 

And the good news is, you don't have to do it alone. Through the program you’ll be tapped into a growing community and alumni who have begun making the shift and are keen to cheer you on your journey too. When you surround yourself with good humans who genuinely want to see you live, grow and glow you're even more likely to succeed and reach your goals.

One time
For 4 months

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The Joy Of Life Awaits

This is not about willpower. It’s not about radical change. It’s not about restriction. It’s not about beating others. It’s about loving you, loving life, loving living. Making change for the better can be easy, fun and pain free.

Maybe you’ve done health, wellbeing, exercise or self-improvement programs before. Maybe like me you’ve spent thousands of dollars and still have the giant folders of information, the CDs and DVDs, the fold-out roadmaps, blueprints and complex instructions to help you lose this, better that, shed this, enhance that.

And yet perhaps here you are, back where you were five years ago and wondering why those enhancement and improvements didn’t stick. Simply put because you weren’t able to create a new set point for your life along the way and so things swung back to how they were before pretty quickly and easily. Sound familiar?

I’m now on a journey to share what I've learnt and help people just like you to level up their own lifeforce energy so they can be, do and have all they desire. Are you ready?

If you’re ready to discover how to make peace with that past to move beyond,
to free yourself from comparison, competition and cravings then this program is here for you.

Discover how to free yourself from the stuck state, to open yourself to new ways of living and being
and experimenting with new small habits that will have you loving life and bringing back your glow within just 90 days. 

Change your relationship with change for good, take back control of your mind, heart and body and experience what it’s like to
love the way you look, feel and experience life.

The next round of the program starts 1 March 2023 - join now to transform your life in just 3 months with a personal coach from our team of coaches, info rich online curriculum and a weekly live group call (Tuesday nights 7.30pm Sydney, Australia time).

One time
For 4 months

What I know for sure after being a coach, mentor and facilitator of leadership, communication, personal development, yoga therapy and culture improvement for over 15 years is that  


The 10 Degree Shift program aims to change that by helping you make small incremental shifts with ease so your body, brain, beliefs and habits can grow and glow with you.
I can’t wait to walk beside you, cheer for you and watch you shift to a better experience of living you.

Meet AJ

Alexandra Joy, AJ, is a 10 times published author, creator of the Daily Uptimism card decks and the custodian of the sacred valley rainforest and retreat centre The Valley of Joy.

AJ has been working with CEO's, leaders and conscious people who want to be more healthy, wealthy and wise without the stress and struggle for over 15 years. A former large corporate company Director with an MBA, AJ is no stranger to the pressures that corporate life, career, investing and business travel can put on the joy of life.   She began her journey to healing and experienced profound awakenings in India and Australia helping her overcome challenges with autoimmune disease, adrenal fatigue, emotional trauma and dysplasia through yoga therapy, meditation, forest bathing and doing the deep inner work to raise her consciousness.  

Now non-medicated and symptom-free and trained as a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, hypnotherapist, Wannai women’s lore student, NLP Practitioner and coach, AJ helps humans all over the world to find vibrant wholeness, joy and raise their vibration with the help of her 10 degree shift program.


Meet Your Shift Coaches

Nosh Darbari

Internationally experienced tech product leader, instructional designer, and facilitator Nosh Darbari is a lifelong learner with a curious mind and is passionate about crafting better experiences using Human Centred Design along with other strategies and methodologies. 

With an eye for detail, effective communication skills, and a high degree of Emotional Intelligence, Nosh thrives on simplifying experiences and helping people free up their time so they can focus on high-value actions.


Kim-Cherie Davidson

Communications and engagement expert Kim-Cherie Davidson has more than 15 years’ experience in media, not-for-profits and mentoring.

KC’s passion lies in being a conduit for heart-centred, community-enhancing people, projects and organisations.

She uses her skills coupled with compassion, courage and integrity to guide them to develop, grow and shine.


Kelli Mason

Kelli is a Community Services Business Owner, Wife, and Mum to 2 teenage boys who can certainly relate to the day-to-day stressors of life. Kelli’s journey of self-improvement started over 5 years ago and she’s always looking at ways to improve, learn and grow. This certainly shows in Kelli’s life and business as she continues to show up for herself and everyone else.

Kelli’s CrossFit Community Tribe also compliments her journey while she continues to improve her mental health, strength, wellbeing and be a cheerleader for her fellow gym buddies. Kelli says the 10 degree shift program is exactly what her life needed, and that small incremental shifts is a lifestyle that she can continue to embrace no matter what is thrown her way.


Belinda Wallis

Life coach, intuitive empath, author and speaker Belinda Wallis provides clarity around issues and simple exercises, perspectives and actions to take to improve your quality of life.

Belinda copes well with being thrown in the deep end, taken out of her comfort zone and learning new concepts and applications and her leadership style is by facilitation, inclusive and collaborative.


Desley Barrett

Desley’s work life has always been in HR/Payroll & Finance but her passion has always been, being a positive light to those around her. She originally started out in sport and was quite successful, as a player and coach, which taught her so much about team work and wanting everyone to achieve and be their best. She loves winning in a healthy, collective way.

Desley is a trained Yoga teacher who loves inspiring and cheering people on and wants them to win at life. She loves self development and continues to learn and grow and inspire others to do the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The program starts June 26, 2023 and runs for 12 weeks, but you’ll have access to the learning materials for the entire lifetime of the program and can jump back in any time that suits you!

  • We’ll cover one shift each week, with video and written lessons along with resources to help you take action. There’s also a live call every week with AJ and the Shift coaches and you can watch the recordings if you can’t join us live.

  • The simpler the actions are, the easier they are to do, and that’s why I’ve designed the entire program to be small, sustainable shifts you can do no matter what your current life circumstances or health is like.

    In this program, there’s no pressure. There’s no winning and losing. No pass or fail. Just small steps forward with plenty of support and encouragement from people who understand exactly what you’re going through.

    We give you everything you need to make these shifts easy and enjoyable as you make them, including meditations, recipes, and exercises that make you feel good and encourage you to keep going.

    You can do this, because we’re doing it together.

  • Ask away! You can email me any time at


Ready to get out of overwhelm, gain more joy and fulfilment,

and enjoy the fruits of your work?

The 10 Degree Shift Program
One time
For 4 months


Alexandra Joy and UQ Power Pty Ltd cannot and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training.

You should know that all products and services offered by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. None of our programs, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice.

You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by registering for any of our programs you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

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